(10) Hi, Honey...XD - 25.August.2007 (Sun)
25. 8. 2007

I don't know why, but after I saw his last concert The Drug party 2007 I like the harder songs more then the sweet and soft ones...I love Nine spiral and Speed master, oh yeah, and Cube. Great songs!! Gacku, do your best *______*
Přehled komentářů
I like honey too, but only the real, natural one... I somehow came to HATE anything honey-flavored after buying a honey Labello... tasted like an oil for sunbathing. Means - tasted AWFUL. After that experience, anything honey-flavored just makes my stomach clench in fear XD but real honey is still yummy, thank god ^^
(Liu, 27. 8. 2007 22:29)