(13) Onigiri a la Mizu - 30.August.2007 (Mon)

I wanted to eat some Onigiri and now, when I don't have my lovely diet anymore, I could do it ^____^. I was doing it after Liu-chans recipe at first (how to cook it), but it was a bit boring for my sweet tongue. I hadn't have anything sweet for sooooooooooo long! T_____T
I'm a sweet lover!!!!!
I can't live without sweets!!!!! ... thats why I have aded some more ingredients in it. I have put not only a peach, but honey and cinnamon sugar too, into the riceball. And after I made the triangleshape ( OK, it should be a triangle...I was doing my best. XD XD XD But it looks like a bun >.>') I powdered it with the cinnamon one more time ...and eated it together with black tee with caramel flavour. Great Kombi!
Ehm, o.k., I could eat only 3 onigiri from 8 (one Onigiri eated by my brother) and my stomache was full O____o Such a vaste...
Now I can't move... I can only sit and pant XD XD XD (OMG, that sounded creepy >.<')
Yeah, and I didn't have Nori, cuz I didn't read the recipe to the end XD.
Watashi wa baka desu o^____^'o
Přehled komentářů
Looks delicious... yumm... I will try when I am less lazy XD
aaand... Bon Voyage, Hime-chan XD
looks yummy
(Hime-chan, 3. 9. 2007 22:18)
Haaai, Mizu, anata no onigiri wa sugoooiiiii. I was today by Sani, she was making the amv for cs.. It's finaly complete.. I hugged her in your name>.<
I'm leaving tomorow morning... so U 2 work hard and write some fluffy fanfics for me>.<
I'll just dream about Gakku and Miyavi while I'm gone. Since thay say it's going to get very cold, I can pack nothing but warm clothes. So wish me Bon Voyage^^
(Liu, 6. 9. 2007 9:40)