(18) Dancing - 10.Oktober.2007 (Wed)
10. 10. 2007

My life right now is a bit boring... School is boring, cuz we have subjects like kulturanthropology, philosophical koncepts, family law, socialwork in 3 sektor, etc. I feel like they don't give me anything, cuz I'm most of the time half asleep (XD). The way of lecturing is sooo boring, oh my oh my...
My new home is great, I like all the girls I'm living with. They are nice and friendly and I don't have the feeling I'm an alien anymore XD XD even if my school didn't changed. We have a lot of fun together. But they can't understand why I'm learning japanese...and from my own decision too XD XD They are standing making jokes about it.
And yesterday, we were dancing!!! We wanted to go last week, but in the end, we didn't go. And this week, they just sayed, we must go. In the pub 39 were oldies and it was great. I was dancing for 4 hours without a break. And singing a lot with all the other people. Omg, my throat hurts a bit now. We came home at 4 in the morning today...and in a few minutes I must go to school. YADAAAAAAAAaaaa...aa...*cough* T_T >.<;
Yaiii, I wanted to go dancing so much for a longer time, cuz You was writing the whole week about a Street dance kontest, where he would dance XD XD XD...he was training 10 days (I think) after he klimbed Fuji (thats why his physical kondition was really bad and he had cold) ....
...and I like his valorization of his end effort:
"Seriously pitiful, even for me... (^_^)"
WAHAHAHAHA....I wanna see his dancing !!!!! My poor You-kun *fluffyhug*
ps.: that Photo, its You with Chimera president (he organized the Street dance kontest and Chimeracrew helped You to make his website), not Gackt XD XD XD You has short hair now....O____O WOW! But he seriously looks like Gack....
Thats all for today...
Kissu kissu hug hug ^^
Přehled komentářů
You-chan is so hotttt :D I wanna see him dacing :D and I kinda envy you for going to that club, sounds like whole lot of fun :D and thaaaaaaanks for the comments on my webpage, thanks a lot *huggle*
(Liu, 13. 10. 2007 10:34)