(21) Gacktnews, Mizunews - 6.November.2007 (Tue)
Tracklist for Gackt (0079-0088):
「砂の十字架」(Suna no Jujika)
「哀 戦士」 (Ai Senshi, Soldiers of Sorrow)
「君が待っているから」(Kimi ga Matteiru ga)
「mind forest」
「Love Letter」
from http://gakuhai.livejournal.com/
Girls, I'm a bit dissapointed >.>' I thought that Gacku is recording a new NEW album, not a memory for Gundam...but he is realy a big fan of Gundam and I can understand why he is doing this o^____________^o I saw a cute video on youtube yesterday. Gacku was in HEY HEY HEY and they have there a big Gundamrobot plaything there....LOLZ, Gacku was playing with it the whole video and didn't let go XD XD XD It was sooo cute.
And, when I was hearing for the first time, that Gackt will sing a song with the name Ai Senshi, Soldiers of Sorrow I thought...HUH??? Is he a Sailormoon or Weddingpeach fan or what? XD XD XD XD XD He will sing it on 12.11.2007 in HEY HEY HEY. I hope I can find it on Youtube then.
Ok, you can't read it, cuz its japanese, but he have there a few Photos in his updates ~_^ He is a Gundam freak to XD XD ....yeah, and for drums: Jun-ji(Drug party) and Ryu. They will stay both too.
Backt to me o^________________^o:
I have a new favorit Gacktsong...XD XD XD ok, it's an old song from Gacku, but I just can't stop to listen to it. It's UNCONTROL. I listened to it for so long and I wannted to know what is he singing exactly,thats why I translated it into slovak @__________@...hmmmm, it's interesting,.....hmmm, I will just give you the translation:
Objav sa....zachvej sa
tancuj v extaze
detský, ľanovosfarbený sen
rozličné spomienky sa k sebe túlia
niečo sa zachveje a zmizne
odzrkadlí sa v tom dni, zachichocem sa
zvesíš hlavu a zavrieš (tvoje) milované oči
bez toho, aby si čo len slovko preriekla, zostávaš chladná
nemôžem ísť späť a obaliť sa pokojom
aj keď takto odhnijem, nepustím ťa
(za)trblietanie na konci (tohto) sveta
ako jeho pomätné učenie hovorí
ty si viac, ako ktokoľvek iný, taká prchavá
kam pôjdeš, keď/ak ma opustíš?
stačí mi aj pominuteľný sen...
necháš môj hlas prosiť
je neodpustiteľné/neospravedlniteľné takto zmiznúť
bez ohľadu na to, ako veľmi plačem....bez ohľadu na to, ako veľmi ťa prosím....bez
ohľadu na to, ako veľmi sa snažím újsť...
bez ohľadu na to, ako veľmi ťa objímam....bez ohľadu na to, ako veľmi túžim....bez ohľadu na to, ako veľmi to bolí...
keď pozeráš na oblohu
len ten tichý sen...
len ten nežný sen...
Oki, I know that the translation is bad, but I did it at 00:40 in the night very quickly. The lyrics are just great...I did not get it fully from the englich translation...but now I love it. I think, I will translate into slovak more of his songs to get the right idea...
Eeeeh, I hope it looks ok, then that stupid stork was horrible to draw T____T I can't draw storks....and I can't draw babys....
My practice:
Today I was in the organization Memory for the first time. I was scary....to death. Cuz the nurses just told us, that they don't have enough staff, cuz they are sick and we must help too.... O_______________________________O Ehm, what should I do with 18 old people with an alzheimer????? What to talk about????? But, in the end, it wasn't so bad... I will write more about it in the next update....I don't have time for it now...
Oki, kiss kiss hug hug to you both.
~ ^,^ ~
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O.o wow
(Liu, 7. 11. 2007 22:36)That postcard is so coooooooooooooool... my classmate is pregnant, too... Today, I also thought of buying something for her, heheeee... :D lol, funny how similar some things are in different peoples lives :))) and that new Gacktjob member - OMG UKE O.o seriously... not one of them looks so... cute... cuddly... uke-ish...aww.... huuuuuuuuuugg and chuuuuu (to you, obviously;) :D
All internet will be CRASHED with XEvil!?
(Mashascomo, 14. 12. 2017 0:28)