(4) Carrot suicide - 5.August.2007 (Sun)

I’m sure it had know, that we would eat it anyway and that was too much for its heart… yeah, my mom was cooking a vegetable soup for lunch (Yummi….just a little non-diet food >.>’)
We have give a net on vine after lunch and it looks a bit strange...but we must do it. It’s the thirth year we do it, cuz the birds eat all our grapes, when we are not there. I wanna kill them all!!!! >.<’
Přehled komentářů
It was a Samurai-carrot XD Betrayed its master and had to commit seppuku with miniature katana XD hehe...
poor Caroot-chan
(Hime-chan, 5. 8. 2007 20:04)
HAHAH its so funny, ....do you think the carrot was so desperate..>.<?
We do the same with the net..>.< My daddy doesn't like the birds either^^
yay ^^
(Liu-chan, 5. 8. 2007 20:46)