(7) Gackts concertdiskography - 17.August.2007 (Fri)
17. 8. 2007

Uff, I was working hard and now I have some money...eh, no, I don't have it anymore, cuz I saw a book in a book-shop.... ehm, 3 books >.>'....
Yeah, I had buy them XD XD... and now I'm poor again T.T
Whatever...XD XD XD
It's japanese - the writting system (hiragana, katakana, kanji), vocabulary and handbook + 3 CDs. The price was 1500 sk...
BUT I wanted it so badly >.<'o!!!!!!
Now I can learn japanese properly *gambatte to myself* XD
I think I can hiragana and katakana now, but I still need some time to use it.
Oh, I have found all Gackts concerts and I have downloaded them! ALL!!! Yeaaah, Mizu rulez XD XD XD....so happy T.T My notebook is full and can rest a bit.
~ tehe ~ ^,^v
Přehled komentářů
You're right, I'm sitting in your room and drooling already 9 hours. Yaay we were watching Gackt concerts for nine hours...and I'm not tired yet. I guess you gave me one of the most prettiest days in my life...
(Hime-chan, 20. 8. 2007 23:12)